To the future me !

“Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea. She only wants to make sure it tastes just right for you.

Love her…when she “pushes” you to pray. She wants to be with you in Heaven.

Love her…when she asks you to play with the kids. She did not “make” them on her own.

Love her…when she is jealous. Out of all the men she can have, she chose you.

Love her…when she has annoying little habits that drives you nuts. You have them too.

Love her…when her cooking is bad. She tries.

Love her…when she looks disheveled in the morning. She always grooms herself up again.

Love her…when she asks to help with the kids homework. She only wants you to be part of the home.

Love her…when she asks if she looks fat. Your opinion counts, so tell her she’s beautiful.

Love her…when she looks beautiful. She’s yours so appreciate her.

Love her…when she spends hours to get ready. She only wants to look her best for you.

Love her…when she buys you gifts you don’t like. Smile and tell her it’s what you’ve always wanted.

Love her…when she has developed a bad habit. You have many more and with wisdom and politeness you have all the time to help her change.

Love her…when she cries for absolutely nothing. Don’t ask, tell her it’s going to be okay.

Love her…when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and back and just chat to her (this works!).

Love her…when whatever you do is not pleasing. It happens and will pass.

Love her…when she stains your clothes. You needed a new shirt anyway.

Love her…when she tells you how to drive. She only wants you to be safe.

Love her…when she argues. She only wants to make things right for both.

Love her…she is yours. You don’t need any other special reason!!!
All this forms part of a Woman’s Character.

Women are part of your life and should be treated as the Queen.
• Treat the women well.
• The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their wives.”~*


To the future me !

SummerTime Madness

End sems are over. Its summer time.

I’m writing this exactly two months after I published this post. I mean its no exaggeration to say Time really flies. I spent the two months observing my fiends and other classmates living in the same hall and this is what I came up with.

Now that the first year of the coursework is done for, people are (or should I say ‘were) getting busy with lots of stuff this summer like volunteering, summer camps, summer workshops etc. I feel sad for those who are doing course work in the summer for sake of increasing the so called CPI (no kidding, but CPI is everything here).

Then, there are people who joined IIT solely to get a good job or to crack other exams, we need not care about them as they are just a pain in the a**. But they give good suggestions when you’re in dire need!

The other set, the significant one, is the one that matters. People like them makes the time fly by. Of course they prepare for placements, work on their thesis.. In the midst of all these , they never forget to have fun. Hanging out with them is real fun. There are moments we even trash talked our own buddies :). We play in the rain, fight over petty issues and do nonsensical stuff. I think this is what matters the most, memories that make you smile, make you cry, make you want more….

SummerTime Madness

Help…… the dual nature ?

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to help someone but doing so would contradict your ideals that you’ve followed until then ??

Of course , there might be instances in life when one desperately wanted to extend his/her help , but couldn’t. I mean helping someone in need is indeed is a good deed but is it really justified or acceptable every time. (sorry about the rhymes 🙂 )

For e.g. what would you do if a person requests a financial help to support the dowry for his/her daughters’ marriage? Normally, most people would help if the person promises to pay back someday. Truly speaking I won’t, even if he’s my best pal.

Were you ever in such a situation. What did you do ? Of course you’d help. But were you gald you did it? Think. What would your answer be?

PS : This thought is bugging me though. What if I’m the one that needs help ?

Help…… the dual nature ?

The Grand ‘Taj’ and others

It really was a great trip . It was sudden but we had lots of fun. Of all the places we visited, the Taj Mahal really stood out.

Compared to other tourist places near Agra , the Taj is very well maintained with tight security. Do look out for the so called ‘guides’ , most of them will misguide you. If you’re an admirer of the architecture rather than the history , it is definitely a place to visit, and you wouldn’t even need a guide for the tour.

As history goes , this architectural masterpiece was commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan  to house the worldly remains of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal (hence the name)(from wiki). It took a whopping 22 years for the construction. No wonder it is one of the Architectural Wonders of the Middle Ages.

We also had a trip to Mathura on holi, the day before coming to Agra. Man! it was a total disaster, at least for me. Mathura is a place for religious people, especially extreme theists.

PS : for those who are aware ,  ‘We’ = {Gudla , Ashar , Chakri and I}.

To the readers — Holi in Mathura is really the best I’ve seen. Go unprepared, I bet you’re gonna have one hell of an experience. Let me rephrase it. You will want to scream ‘Aaaaagh! Why in the hell… ?’

The Grand ‘Taj’ and others

Opening thoughts!

It was on 22 Oct , 2014. I woke up around 4 AM.

The day seemed perfectly normal , but my brain was going nuts. I couldn’t remember something important . At the end of the day I couldn’t figure that out. I realized that I got so busy that I kept forgetting things.

That day was 23rd Oct , 2014 –the day of Diwali , the day I started a blog, that might help me some day.
This blog is like my  journal . May be a few years from now ,when life gets so busy that I can’t even recognize myself anymore , I’ll come back and read this stuff and may be I can rediscover who I was (Oof! big words..)
Oh! one other reason might be that I have hard time remembering things , so I pretty much write everything.

I tried to recollect my B Tech days , all the fun during night outs with buddies…

Damn ! Life was so fun without any worries… Adult life is for sure complicated.

‘Life is too short to do what you hate’

Lets get started.

PS  : I don’t give a fuck about what you think about my writing skills . Suggestions are welcome though!
Opening thoughts!